Pastoral care
The form tutor is at the heart of the pastoral system, guiding and supporting their form groups throughout the year. A head of year works with each specific age-range to ensure that they manage transition effectively, and develop a strong sense of collective group responsibility and identity.
All pupils through to Year 13 are taught to understand the significance of respect, consideration and tolerance. They are encouraged to be self-aware, confident and inquisitive, to consider the views of others and to make informed decisions.
A number of year-specific, Key Stage and whole school assemblies give pupils the opportunity to consider the concepts of justice, democracy, equality, diversity and individuality. Our programme of guest speakers, careers advice live interviews and charity initiatives give further scope to explore the views of others.
The pupil voice is well-represented in our school community, with a thriving House Captains system. Our pupils benefit from opportunities to develop their leadership skills both within and beyond the school, and participate in a number of external competitions and initiatives such as The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, as well as working with local charities and organisations.