Our Nursery and Pre-Prep Schools are particularly high-achieving.
Overall standards of reading, writing and Maths are all well above the national average for Early Years and Key Stage 1. Children naturally progress from Nursery to Pre-Prep at the end of Reception (age 5), where the curriculum is built entirely around Key Stage 1 and prepares children for our highly successful Prep School without the added pressure of 7+ entrance exams.
To assess pupil progress in a stress-free environment, we use market-leading pupil tracking systems provided by Juniper Education. This analysis looks at the attainment data for Reading, Writing and Mathematics and compares it to the Juniper Education national benchmark of over 6,500 schools.
Progressive and successful
From Reception onwards, a child's progress and attainment are assessed and reported in detail, using the Juniper Education national benchmark. This was derived from c.6,500 schools' assessments in the Summer term of 2022.
Year 1
95% of Year 1 children are at or exceed the age-related expectation in Reading, Writing and Mathematics compared to 62.2% nationally.
Year 2
100% of Year 2 children meet or exceed the age-related expectation in Reading, Writing and Mathematics compared to 58.4% nationally.